we are the owner’s representative

You have a business to run.
We get it. You shouldn’t have to worry about the finer points of HVAC systems or whether the electricity is installed on the wrong wall. You run the business while we run the construction business. We are responsible for ensuring your new facility aligns with your vision and your budget.
we build your vision
Design Development
First we talk. We know the right questions to ask. We’ll identify your wants and needs and translate your vision into a floor plan, keeping an eye on constructibility and cost. Then, we prepare a detailed bid package including schematic design, performance-based requirements, and a finish date. This level of detail ensures we can accurately compare bidders.
we handle the details
Contractor selection
We handle everything. We pre-qualify contractors, publish an RFP, and manage meetings and communications. We also conduct an on-site meeting that enables each bidder to present and defend their proposal. These meetings typically last three hours and are crucial to understanding the true intent of the proposal. In the end, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed choice.
building your legacy is our #1 priority
Construction Oversight
We review in-process and final construction documents and coordinate with Engineering Testing firm to validate technical components and design intent alignment. We manage daily operations such as on-site visits, vendor payments, schedules and change orders, coordinating with the owner as needed. Finally, we manage project close-out, including a detailed punch list walk-though and any necessary follow-up.